Each year there are two days where event teams may choose to hold a parkrun on another day.
January 1st
parkrun events may choose to put on an additional event on January 1st each year.
The Special Day
Each country can nominate one special day per year on which they can stage additional events. This can be any day of the year but should coincide with a public holiday, festival or celebration.
Currently, the chosen special days are:
Region | Name of Day | Next Date | List of Events |
Australia | Christmas Day | 25 December | Australia Special Events |
Canada | Canada Day | 1 July | Canada Special Events |
Denmark | Ascension Day | Varies | Denmark Special Events |
Finland | Ascension Day | Varies | Finland Special Events |
France | Christmas Day | 25 December | France Special Events |
Germany | German Unity Day | 3 October | Germany Special Events |
Ireland | Christmas Day | 25 December | Ireland Special Events |
Italy | Christmas Day | 25 December | Italy Special Events |
Japan | Greenery Day | 4 May | Japan Special Events |
Malaysia | Malaysia Day | 16 September | Malaysia Special Events |
Netherlands | Whit Monday | Varies | Netherlands Special Events |
New Zealand | Christmas Day | 25 December | NZ Special Events |
Norway | Ascension Day | Varies | Norway Special Events |
Poland | Second Day of Christmas | 26 December | Poland Special Events |
Singapore | National Day | 9 August | Singapore Special Events |
Southern Africa | Freedom Day | 27 April | South Africa Special Events |
Sweden | Ascension Day | Varies | Sweden Special Events |
United Kingdom | Christmas Day | 25 December | UK Special Events |
United States | Thanksgiving | Varies | USA Special Events |
Start times on these additional days must be at the same time as the normal event.
It is not compulsory for events to hold a parkrun on either of these days, even if they are a Saturday. The choice is up to the event team and should be based on the ability to hold a safe event on one or both of these days.
Only one event is allowed per venue on each of these days. This means any venue with both 5k and junior events, will need to decide which of the events they would like to hold. Should this occur on a Saturday, the 5k event would get priority, as with Sunday then the junior event would get priority.
Any event planning to deliver a parkrun on either of these days is to ensure that their respective landowners are informed and they have permission for the additional event(s) to go ahead.
It is essential that the event is able to provide an adequate number of volunteers to ensure that the parkrun can take place safely.