*Please note, the Research Board is not currently accepting any parkrun research support requests or enquiries regarding new research. If this situation changes, the parkrun Research website will be updated accordingly. In the meantime, you can keep up-to-date with parkrun research through online seminars, bulletins, and virtual article collections.*
We are committed to developing insight and understanding through credible high-quality research. This research helps to inform all areas of our work, including our communications, operations, commercial and health and wellbeing activities. Much of this research is carried out by HQ in-house, however, we also place value on independent research carried out by external academics and organisations.
As such, we founded the global parkrun Research Board which is chaired by the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC) at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK to assist in this task. The Board, comprised of experienced academics from around the world, reviews applications from those wishing to undertake research into health and wellbeing and approves a small number of independent, ethically-cleared research projects each year.
Only studies that have been approved by the Board should be carried out.
On occasion, researchers ask to undertake their research at parkrun events. In such instances the following process is followed:
- The AWRC grant approval and provide the researcher with the approval certificate.
- AWRC send an email outlining the research and the proposed methodology to the event team/s, with parkrun HQ also being alerted.
- If the event team agree to support the research, AWRC asks the researcher to contact the event teams introducing themselves.
The outputs of Board-approved Research are uploaded to the AWRC website.
Involvement in the research is at the event team’s discretion, however, we strongly encourage all events to support such requests wherever possible given they have been through a thorough vetting process.
Please contact eventsupport@parkrun.com with any questions regarding research conducted by parkrun HQ, and contact parkrunRB_AWRC@shu.ac.uk with any questions regarding research by external academics.